Our Consultants

Since 2009, Tierney Kennedy and Leah O’Neill have worked together, writing and implementing Back to Front Maths. Over the past four years they have run major projects with over 20% of State Primary Schools in South Australia, with impressive results.

Tierney is a data improvement specialist, seeing patterns in a wide variety of data sets and helping schools to target areas of need. She works with Curriculum Leaders and experienced teachers to tailor learning to staff needs and shift whole-school pedagogy. Tierney loves tackling tough questions and always encourages both principals and teachers to directly raise issues at the start of each Professional Learning session. Tierney is most experienced in working with upper primary and junior secondary teachers, including demonstrating lessons, diagnosing misconceptions and developing targeted strategies based on student needs.

Leah is an implementation specialist. Leah offers highly practical solutions to issues raised by teachers and loves working directly in classrooms to demonstrate techniques. As a former head of curriculum, Leah mentors staff in a way that encourages ownership and deep thinking, as well as providing real answers to teachers’ questions. She brings out the creativity in teachers, who leave her sessions bubbling over with new ideas to try. Leah is most experienced working with primary and early years teachers, including in a previous role as a kindergarten director.

Kennedy Press Pty Ltd is a preferred supplier of numeracy professional learning services to the SA Government. Professional Learning courses approved on the WA Government ProLearn Panel.


Kennedy Press is proud to partner with the Mathematical Association of Western Australia. www.mawainc.org.au


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